Where Did Rioja, La Tierra De Los Mil Vinos (2023) Take Place

1. Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos - SEMINCI

  • The film puts the focus on the match between territory and product, wisdom and tradition, and lays a bridge between the origins and the future of Rioja. An ...

  • Castilla y León en Largo

Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos - SEMINCI

2. Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos (Film, 2023) - MovieMeter.nl

  • Genre: Documentaire · Speelduur: 101 minuten · Alternatieve titel: Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines · Oorsprong: Spanje · Geregisseerd door: José Luis López- ...

  • Documentaire film.

Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos (Film, 2023) - MovieMeter.nl

3. Rioja: The Land of a Thousand Wines (2023) - Letterboxd

  • A documentary/advertorial about Spanish wines from the Rioja region. Quite interesting given I've just been to Portugal and Spain - and got into Albariño's from ...

  • By telling the human stories behind the entire value chain that gives life to the Spanish wine with the greatest international projection, ‘Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines’ portrays a currently blooming wine region underpinned by the talent and the work of the new generations of winemakers that operate side by side with the region’s historic wineries. The film puts the focus on the match between territory and product, wisdom and tradition, and lays a bridge between the origins and the future of Rioja. An immersion into a fascinating world that, through captivating cinematography and careful editing, attempts to find the keys to understanding what Rioja wine is and what makes it so special.

Rioja: The Land of a Thousand Wines (2023) - Letterboxd

4. A toast to the people of wine - SEMINCI

  • ... has sought to set up Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos, which is making its world premiere at the 68th Seminci in the Castilla y León en Largo section, as ...

  • “There are many ways of making wine and very different wines”, and behind these diverse processes and fruits, “many extraordinary people”. It is these people, “artists who make a product for which they feel responsible and proud”, whom José Luis López-Linares has sought to set up Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos, which is […]

A toast to the people of wine - SEMINCI

5. La Rioja, a land of fiction with real landscapes and villages

  • The film features two famous locations: the former Gran Hotel in Logroño and a house on Calle Zorraquín in Ezcaray, with a beautiful grove of trees. Both the ...

  • La Rioja may be the smallest region in mainland Spain, but proportionally, it has/features some of the greatest contrasts in landscapes and villages, with everything from mountains to vineyards, lush forests, and mediaeval villages. You may think you’ve never been to La Rioja but we’re sure you’ve seen it in film and on television, as you’ll see in this article.

La Rioja, a land of fiction with real landscapes and villages

6. Rioja: The Land of a Thousand Wines - SIFF

Rioja: The Land of a Thousand Wines - SIFF

7. Rioja On The Rocks – Tim Atkin – Master of Wine

  • 11 okt 2023 · Earlier this summer, the regional governments of La Rioja and the Basque Country committed to funding the distillation of 30 million litres of ...

8. Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos [DVD] (2023)

  • 17 jan 2024 · Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos [DVD] (2023). favoriteLove. €7.44. Without Taxes.

  • A través de las historias humanas detrás de toda la cadena de valor que da vida al vino Español con más proyección internacional, "Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos" da a conocer el momento de eclosión que está viviendo la región vitícola, con el talento y la aportación de las nuevas generaciones en convivencia con las grandes bodegas históricas. La equivalencia entre territorio y producto, entre sabiduría y tradición, trazando un puente entre los orígenes del Rioja y su futuro.

Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos [DVD] (2023)

9. The Land of a Thousand Wines [Rioja: La tierra de los mil vinos]

  • 15 feb 2024 · The documentary explores the vibrant evolution of the Spanish wine industry, showing the interaction between new generations and the historic ...

  • The documentary explores the vibrant evolution of the Spanish wine industry, showing the interaction between new generations and the historic wineries of Rioja. Through captivating photography, careful editing and immersive music, the documentary delves into the essence of this region's wine, bridging its rich tradition and promising future.

10. Statistieken van Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos (Film, 2023)

  • ... Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos voor het eerst te zien was in de bioscoop en wanneer de release van deze film op DVD of Blu-Ray was. Toegevoegd: 30 ...

  • Alle statistieken en feiten, zoals stemhistorie en release datums voor bioscoop en koop op DVD en Blu-Ray.

Statistieken van Rioja, la Tierra de los Mil Vinos (Film, 2023)

11. DAS LAND DER TAUSEND WEINE – Rioja, la tierra de los mil vinos – OmU

  • Wer die Faszination Wein verstehen möchte, ist in der spanischen Rioja am perfekten Ort. Seit dem Römischen Reich leben und arbeiten die Menschen hier im ...

  • 20:00 Uhr Staatstheater Cottbus (Großes Haus)

Where Did Rioja, La Tierra De Los Mil Vinos (2023) Take Place


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.